Autoimmune Disease

Is pain, inflammation, weight, infertility, fatigue or disease affecting your life quality? Statistics show 1 in 20 Australians are affected by autoimmune disease. Could you be at risk? 

The most commonly diagnosed autoimmune diseases are Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, polymyalgia, and type I diabetes.  Known risk factors are in some part genetic, though exacerbated by a hyperactive immune system with many contributing factors.

Advanced Wellness Services

We hear the word ‘epidemic’ a lot in terms of health and we know that as a global population we are battling with pain, fatigue, disease, weight and obesity, but what if there’s more going on beneath these surface symptoms? An autoimmune disease can develop in any system of the body, the symptoms can be varied or even random, ranging from headaches, aches and pains, constant infections and flus, chronic fatigue, irritable bowels, infertility, poor memory or physical signs such as weight gain or hair loss.

The most commonly diagnosed autoimmune diseases are thyroid issues such as Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, polymyalgia and type I diabetes.  Known risk factors are in some part genetic, though exacerbated by a hyperactive immune system triggered by chemical, food or environment toxins, combined with stress, inflammation, or virus. There are other common risk factors that are completely preventable, such as vitamin and mineral deficiency, or an incorrect diet for your body type and ancestry.

Autoimmune disease is occurring more often in women, affecting 1 in 20 people, and sufferers are increasingly developing multiple diseases.

Focusing on the underlying commonality between your symptoms and a thorough investigation of what your triggers may be, we are able to stop the progression of an autoimmune disease before it’s too late, and reduce multiple disease processes. Autoimmune disease does not have to be a life sentence. By conducting comprehensive testing and screening for food sensitivities, check for bacterial or viral pathogens and determine nutritional deficiencies along with hormone levels, we may correctly identify and remove the current triggers, resolving your symptoms quickly, and stabilising the disease. Don’t let it rule your health for the rest of your life.

Are you affected by a genetic disorder? Take the Quiz to see if you suffer the MTHFR Gene mutation

Learn more: Nutripath Integrative Pathology Food Allergy & Food Sensitivity International Seminar Presented by Jodi Chapman.

Combining the experience of our practitioners with the advanced testing facility at Advanced Wellness & Behavioural Centre including functional pathology, we may accurately determine almost immediately what is underlying your condition to design a health program unique to you for the most effective and best treatment available for your physical and mental health. This testing regime leaves nothing to the imagination reducing treatment time and financial investment for quick resolution for your health concerns.



Stress / Anxiety / Depression

Being mentally healthy is a very important part of your health. Imbalances in brain neurotransmitters can cause symptoms such as depression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, tiredness, sadness, loss of motivation, anger, addictive behaviour, aggression, sugar or alcohol cravings, and many more.

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Hormonal Health

Hot flushes, insomnia, digestive disturbance, weight gain, poor memory, increased pain, low libido and mood swings are just the tip of the iceberg when treating menopause. The reality is that it is inevitable, but the reality is it is all completely related to hormones, and hormones are entirely dependent on neurotransmitters.

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